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$32.30 $25.06
101 Crosswords for Pilots Pilots are inherently drawn to puzzles; all types of problem-solving, and flying along playing the "what-if" game are...

$39.70 $34.67
2024 Remote Pilot Test Prep (Softcover) Operating a drone for non-hobby operations requires a Remote Pilot Certificate. You must successfully complete the...

21st Century Flight Training A powerful resource for flight instructors and their students, with insights into the challenges of training in the new...

A Comprehensive Guide to Composites An insider’s viewpoint on the tips and techniques used by the pros to fabricate advanced composite parts. Graphite,...

BOOK | A Pilot’s Accident Review (Softcover) In   A Pilot’s Accident Review,   starting on the premise that we often learn best by reviewing...

Advanced Avionics Handbook This FAA handbook provides general aviation users with comprehensive information on the advanced avionics equipment available in...

Aerodynamics for Aviators (Hardcover) Aerodynamics is the study of forces and the resulting motion of objects through the air. Judging from the story of...

Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators This textbook presents the elements of applied aerodynamics and aeronautical engineering which relate directly to flight...

$30.16 $27.00
Aeronautical Chart User's Guide, 15th Edition The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publishes aeronautical charts for each stage of visual (VFR) and...

$25.00 $14.95
Air Traffic Controller Licence Wallet CASA Wallet for Air Traffic Controller licence. Has 22 separate insert jackets to hold your licence's and...

$25.00 $14.95
Aircraft Engineer Licence Wallet CASA Wallet for engineer licence. Has 12 separate insert jackets to hold your licence's and documents  

Aircraft Inspection, Repair & Alterations AC 43.13-1B and AC 43.13-2B are current in 2023. This handbook for Aviation Maintenance Technicians...