Microair T2000SFL Transponder (Rev8)

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Microair T2000SFL Transponder (Rev8)

This Certified Transponder is one of the world’s smallest and lightest of its kind, weighing 600 gms (21.1oz). The T2000SFL has very low power consumption and many new innovative safety features only found in much larger and expensive Transponders. The T2000SFL has attracted much attention around the world with an estimated 5,000 units still in operation today.

The Microair Avionics T2000SFL Transponder is a mode 3A/C aircraft transponder designed to operate in an ATCRBS environment.

The T2000SFL has been designed to comply with RTCA/DO-144A requirements and has been tested to DO-160D for environmental and EMC requirements.

The T2000SFL software has been developed and approved under RTCA/DO-178B requirements.


The T2000SFL is a small lightweight transponder with low power requirements. The T2000SFL is compatible with any C88a compliant altitude encoder, and offers the following features:

  • Mode 3 A response (4096 codes)
  • Mode C altitude response
  • SPI indent response
  • Encoder Altitude displayed with Baro/QNH compensations
  • Altitude Alert (HI / LO)
  • Selectable VSI/Vario Display
  • Security coding of serial number
  • Option to power encoder only in mode C operation
  • Serial Altitude Data input – common protocols self detected
  • Serial Altitude Data output – Gillham 100ft converted to Garmin AT format

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